Stop Smoking in 7 Days

We all know that smoking is one of the worst habits. In fact, it damages almost every part of your body. Everyone knows how harmful smoking is to health. And you know how much damage applied to beauty? Here are seven among the inevitable:

1. Skin changes

Skin  loses color and makes it similar to parchment.

2. Causes appearance of wrinkles

Cigarettes cause wrinkles and bags around the eyes. Moreover, create the illusion of a dour type, which is not very attractive. Right?

3. Deepen the wrinkles around the mouth

Appear dark lines around the lips and wrinkles become less deep and visible. Themselves in smokers lips are dry and wrinkled. Once you achieve this effect, even botox can help. Wrinkles on the lips highlights of lipstick so that deprivation of it is an additional drawback.

4. Teeth crumble

Tobacco and nicotine cause stains on teeth and plaque build up, which in turn just destroys them. Become yellow and brittle.

5 .What problems can cause smoking of your Hair ????

– Your hair smells – one of the most obvious negatives of smoking is that hair, and your clothes always smell like smoke .

– Your hair looks unhealthy – smoking can make your locks looking frail and ill. This is due to the fact that cigarettes narrow blood vessels, thereby reducing the oxygen that reaches your scalp. Ultimately it is that your hair start lacks important nutrients can not reach it.

– Hair loss – smoking can cause premature thinning of your hair and even baldness in some cases. Scientists believe that this is due to the fact that smoking damages the follicle and thus harm the circulation and production of hormones in the scalp

– Premature graying of hair – again due to the fact that the toxins in cigarettes damage the follicles, except when it starts to gray hair can acquire and unpleasant yellowish tinge, which is a result of the impact of tar and nicotine, which contained in cigarettes.

Cigarrest has helped over 1,000,000 customers to quit smoking since 1986 and remains the leading homeopathic stop smoking program. It is all-natural, non-addictive, contains no nicotine and provides the most powerful non-prescription deterrent available. There  product helps permanently break both the physical and psychological addictions without withdrawal or weight gain. Some products relieves irritability and nervous tension while significantly reducing the cravings for cigarettes.


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